Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week 1: Curation

I think after reading the curation assignment, I really take bookmarks for granted. I have always used them, whether it was for having easy access to an online textbook, articles I wanted to read later, articles that I wanted to use in my research, or for an escape from my work in the form of an online game. I am very organized when it comes to my computer (I wish I could say the same about my room). I actually have bookmarks organized by school items, work items, and extracurricular. It is strange to me to think that people may not be using bookmarks when they have a computer. I feel as if it is an essential part to succeeding and organizing the information you may need later.

Now, on the topic of sharing, I am not as up-to-date on the latest trends. I have a Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. However, I could not tell you the last time I used some of them. It’s not that I don’t know how to use them. As a student that has more than one job outside of being a student, I have always thought of all of those sites as more of a luxury or for pleasure rather than work. When I think of Pinterest, I also think of people organizing ideas on crafts or wedding planning. When I think of Twitter, I think of celebrities saying things they will probably regret later. After reading the assignment, however, I realize that these can be used for a variety of things.
(Image Information: Known Logo. Source: Known Twitter)

I would say that I am doing pretty well when it comes to organizing and saving items, however, I definitely need to work on the sharing portion of this project. I am excited to learn more about these sites, especially “Known” because it is one that I had never heard of before!

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