Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 8 Reflections: Looking Forward

As I mentioned in the “looking back” post, I really need to work on scheduling. I like the ease of doing this class when I have the time because I have so many other things to do that are on a specific schedule. I am excited about these readings coming up in this class. I will have the opportunity to read exactly what I want and am interested in. This is a really good idea because I will have the chance to read different versions of stories I already love and maybe even read a review of something I want to put in my storybook. I am eager for the rest of this semester! It is my last one and I want to leave this school on a good note. Wish me luck!  
(Image Information: Moewtivational cat. Source: weddingbee)


  1. Heather!
    I am on the same boat as you, I need to better schedule this class, because I just do it on the fly (when I have time). I think that is one of the negatives about an online class, is that it is easily forgettable, because it is online. However, the fact that there is something due everyday makes me realize that I cant forget that I have an online class.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with you that scheduling is difficult with this class for me, but like you I also enjoy the freedom that comes from taking a course entirely online. I am glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel I wish you the best as you complete this last semester and hopefully start the rest of your life well.
