Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week 9 Storytelling: The Indian Epics Game Show

This week on.... Extreme Indian Adventures:

We exiled the Pandavas in a forest, this week the family will wander their way to a lake, where some of them may meet their fate if they and answer our questions.

After spending a week in the forest, the Pandavas were starting to show signs of weakness. They had not had a proper meal in days and were dehydrated from hiking so much. Today, they came across an oasis that we had installed with speakers and visual effects. One by one, the Pandavas would make their way to the edge of the water, but before drinking, they will be required to answer our riddles.

First up is Nakula. When he approached the water we spoke over the speakers, "Before you drink my water, you must answer my questions." Nakula heard the voice but that he was dreaming it because of his dehydration. He drank anyways, and soon fell over asleep.

Next was Bhima. He approached the water and saw his brother on the ground. He knew something was fishy about this. Then he heard the same voice. He ignored he voice because he was more interested in making sure he had enough energy and power to help his brother Nakula. He drank the water and met the same fate. 

Then was Sahadeva. After approaching his brothers on the water's edge, he heard the voice. He was so distraught by his brothers he would do anything to help. He listened to the question that the lake had. "When is a man drowned, but still not wet?" Sahadeva had no idea and thought that maybe drinking the water would allow him to think better. He drank the water and passed out. 

Arjuna would come to the same fate, because he too listened to the question, but when he answered the question wrong, he got angry. He said "this is STUPID," and went on to drink the water. 

Yudhisthria was the only one left. We were counting on him to make this week's show be enjoyable. He approached the water and saw his brothers laying on the ground. He was outraged and yelled, "WHO DID THIS TO MY BROTHERS?!" We replied, "They did it to themselves." Yudhisthria wanted to know what we wanted from him. "When is a man drowned, but still not wet?" Yudhisthria looked around for inspiration. In the distance he saw a strange patch in the ground. He approached the area and stepped on the ground. He quickly jerked his foot back. It was quick said. "That was close!" Then he knew..... "The answer is QUICKSAND." 

"Congratulations, Yudhisthria! You are this week's winner of Extreme Indian Adventures! You prize is a supply of bottled water for your travels."

Yudhisthria, confused, replied, "What about my brothers? What happened to them?" 

"They are fine. The lake water laced with sleeping medicine. They will make up soon." 

(Image information: water for days. Source: icbirdband)

The Mahabharata. Dir. Peter Brook. 1989. Film.

Author's note: I was always interested in why the brothers would drink from the water, when they could clearly see the others laying on the ground at the edge of the water. Especially when a miraculous voice asks you a question? I would have definitely answered just because I would have been a little frightened. I decided to take a look at why each of the brothers drank the water. I tried to present it as someone watching the whole thing happen, in this case the game show producers! 


  1. This was an interesting take on the Pandava's lake adventure! I enjoyed it!! it was interesting that you framed the story as a game show. Instead of everyone dying, they were all just asleep! I had that same thought you had. Why drink from a lake that a bunch of dead people (in this case sleeping people) were laying on the shoreline? First thing that would pop in my head is, "Something is wrong with this water!" But to each their own. I also like the question and answer you provided as the riddle. Was the part of the story or was it your own creation?

  2. Hey Heather, this was a great story to read! I love the idea of turning your stories into a weekly game show where there are hidden cameras and speakers everywhere watching and listening in on the Pandava brothers' progress. The way this game show is set up for entertainment as viewers watch the brothers struggle and succeed in the forest kind of reminds me of the Hunger Games movies, which I also love! Great job with the story.

  3. Heather! I am so sad that you are coming to an end in the class. I have definitely enjoyed your stories and your obvious knack for writing creatively. For this story, even, I was having a hard time when I wrote my Storytelling post. You did it marvelously. I love how it ends and the voice assures him that they are just sleeping. I will have to come visit you at Ulta sometime!
